About Us
Stepping Stones Childcare & Early Learning is ....
A childcare that takes pride in offering an in-depth, informative and hands on approach to quality childhood education in an atmosphere that supports, guides and nurtures children's emotional and social development by following these values, children learn to express themselves, solve problems, grow from mistakes, and develop other skills and abilities.
Our staff's dedication and commitment to the children leave the parents with peace of mind.
We Care About Nutrition
It is our goal to offer as many ORGANIC, GLUTEN FREE nutritious meals and snacks to the children in our care, as nutrition is a vital part of a child's health. Children need to eat well-balanced meals in order to meet their daily energy needs and help them build a strong body and mind. We know that the good food habits in children will help them prevent cavities, iron deficiency, obesity, etc. - all common nutritional problems in young children.
We take pride in offering a clean, home-like atmosphere with an open-door policy to encourage communication with all of our parents.
"The best teachers are those who show children where to look, but don't tell them what to see" -Alexandra K Trenfer