
As kids manipulate a paintbrush, their fine motor skills improve. When children experiment with materials, they dabble in science. Most important, kids feel good while they are creating. Art helps boost self-confidence.

We at "Stepping Stones Childcare & Early Learning" respond enthusiastically to your children's interests and promote positive attitudes to trying a variety of new and healthy foods.

Puzzles strengthen: -Physical skills-holding puzzle pieces and turning then until they fit -Cognitive skills-as they solve the problems of a puzzle -Emotional skills-they learn patience and are rewarded when they complete the puzzle

Learning to make friends with other children is an important part of developing social skills. We at "Stepping Stones Childcare & Early Learning" create a safe, supportive environment for children to learn and practice these skills with each other.

Group activities help children develop their cognitive and social skills, their language abilities, and their interest in learning new things about the world.

Social studies activities foster a lifelong love of social studies. Children learn important figures in history and cultural awareness of holidays and traditions. Using these social studies materials and activities, make the children light up.